many years after the guh cat died in an aviation disaster, some form of him returned.

the revival

In the middle of the night June 27th, 2004. A loud guh was heard through out the town of Roswell, New Mexico.

This wasn't the real guh cat.

this guh was different, less guh more evil.

this guh could look like the original but not all of the time

in the night, the guh would cause many felonies.

Many people hoped that someone or something will rise up to stop this guh

Then on December 31st, 2004, at 10:30PM something came to stop the evil guh running rampant.

It was another cat but not a guh, something better than a guh.


Maxwell, a cat so adorable he is in a lot of video games.

due to this, there are many maxwell.

Maxwell proceeds to meow at the guh.

the guh is mad, he punches maxwell and guhs

Maxwell is stunned, due to guh. the guh gets more hits in.

Maxwell snaps and meows at guh, freezing him in place.

People watching the fight and rooting for maxwell.

a second maxwell appears behind guh and flies into his back.

guh falls, people start cheering and maxwells starting moving away from the guh, looking away from him.

In the moment as they aren't paying attention, guh gets back up and guhs at one of the maxwells.

everyone is stunned, thinking it was over.

the other maxwell pulls out a gun and shoots guh.

guh didn't go down, this was only the beginning

people ran away in terror.

the maxwells didn't know what to do, guh yelled out "guh"

everything froze.

guh moved around the maxwells, wondering where to hit them.

he walked off, leaving everything frozen.